Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Where I've been

I am so sorry it has been awhile for me to post.  I have been....well trying to manage everything I need to do and want to do.  Sometimes I think it is hard to find a good balance.

But I have also been doing a lot of really cool things.  For instance, every October my mom takes my sister and I to a weekend long shopping trip.  So Fun!  It is designed to be "Kid Free, Stress Free but each year I seem to tag along one of my kiddos one way or the other.  This is Max's 2nd year going (last year as a little growing peanut) and this year he cant really get too far away from his momma if you know what I mean! ;)

I have also been spending some 'family time' doing fun fall things.  I love fall festivals and the parades.  So we have had fun doing that.

And of course a fall fave in my family.....picking apples and going to the pumpkin patch.  Brody did an awesome job picking the "perfect" apples.  Really he was absolutely fine taking the ones that had already fallen on the ground.

I have also been working on a few of my first "etsy" orders!  I was so excited to get those first couple of orders and am praying that I will continue to create things that people want to put on their cute little ones or even themselves because I am having way too much fun to stop!  :o)

I have also been working on getting my stock built up for a couple of craft shows and holiday shop nights I am going to be doing. 

So my last few weeks in a nut shell....but mostly just been loving on these 2 Q-T's!!