Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Brrrrr....Time for Snow ice cream

Have you gotten some of the snow that has been blessing the nation???

Well we got about 6-7 inches I would say here in Missouri and you know what that means....


I actually have never had this but after dinner I was really needing some dessert.  Of course with all the snow we really weren't jumping in the car to go to the store.  (and I was super tired from shoveling the driveway)

Soooo I decided to try out some snow ice cream. (I think my darling husband thought I was CrAzY!!!) Brody was excited about the idea and always willing to "help" in the kitchen (he gets this from his father)!

I used the recipe from here and with my little man's help stirring we had a tasty dessert without even leaving our home. 

We added all the ingredients into a bowl, adding a little more snow than the recipe called for (it seemed to melt pretty fast).

After mixing all the ingredients we dipped up our freshly SNOWED ice cream.....

I added chocolate to mine but Brody thought it was "dirty" with the chocolate in it! 

All in all it was really fun to use the snow and it tasted good too.  Brody is more a papa's chocolate shake kind of guy so he didn't eat a lot of it but Max loved it and so did their mama!!!

So next time it snows......Dip up some snow ice cream!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

2011 Giveaways!!!!

OK so as promised there will be several giveaways this year and I'm really excited about them!!!!  They are going to be new and exciting things that you will want to get in on.

The first giveaway will be some of those 'oh so chic' blocks from our very first tutorial(how appropriate huh?) 

didn't see the blocks tutorial??? just scroll down

Remember these can be designed in many different styles including last name, baby, holiday and much more!!!The winner will be named when the facebook page reaches 100 'likes' (because who isn't "social networking" nowadays right?) So tell all your friends about Qteepa2tee's Boutique fan page and they can enter too!  The other good is already over 1/2 way there!!!

So how do you enter this giveaway????

Go here and make sure you 'like' the page and then tell your friends to do the same.  OR you can click on the little SHARE button by this post.....lastly leave a comment down below about what you would want your blocks to say if you are the lucky winner.  As soon as the number hits 100 the winner will be announced. 

Easy enough??