Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Showcase Spot

Well in just a few minutes I will be featured on the childrens page of Etsy (a handmade and vintage website).  I am pretty excited and hope that it will again "get my name out there" in the world of craftiness. 

So with all this excitement I had to really work on my shop and make it look super hip!  AND I had to get several things (that I have procrastinated on) listed on Etsy!  I still dont have everything on there but I figure it is a good start. 

I am super excited to see how tomorrow goes and to see if I get more "views" on my items or convos about them.

We will see.  Fingers crossed!!!!

If you want to check it out for yourself you can go here and see all the cute little Valentine's Day things and other "must haves" that I posted to Qteepa2tee's Boutique!