Monday, September 27, 2010

I will get this....

Ok I promise I will figure out the Fabrics page.  Blogging....sewing....crafting I can handle.  Apparently I am not as "computer savy" as I thought.  But hey I will get it figured out maybe with the help of the hubby!

So excited for a few things today....

Hubby is getting off early.
Picking up our new car.
Actually getting some laundry done.
AND finishing some fun fall projects today!

Lately I have been trying a lot of new things in the sewing/designing world and it has been a blast!  I am seriously just 'winging' it and turning up with some really fun designs.  I am working on getting prepared for a few craft shows/fall festivals that I have entered and it has been interesting.  This will be my first one so I am not exactly sure what to expect but I am really excited. 

A couple things I know for sure will be there....

Tutus (various sizes and colors)
Key fobs
Initial onesies
some festive fall and Christmas shirts and onesies
Hair clips (not the usual flowers/bows....although there will be a few of those.)

I was also thinking about having an order sheet for custom items, um, and some minor things to bring attention to my table like a fall/pumpkin smelling flameless candle. 

I just really need to figure out how I am going to display all the items.  I would love to hear ideas of what you think needs to be there or any other fall festive attention getters.  You can just leave them in the comments section. 

It is November 20th so I have a little less than 2 months but I really want to have fun with it and not get all stressed out at the end.  Lets face it.....when it comes to some things I am a great procrastinator BUT I hate saving things until midnight the night before (although this happens way too often).

As soon as there is more info about the craft venues I will keep you updated because I would love for you to just stop by to say HI!!!

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