Sunday, October 24, 2010


Wow!  What a weekend!  I have been cutting fabric, tying tutus, making key fobs and working hard on several other things for the upcoming shows. 

A big shout out to my sweet little hubby who designed and constructed my key fob rack and some heads to put my hair pieces on!  Oh and I almost forgot.....really took care of the kiddos a lot this weekend so I could knock out a lot of design pieces for the shows.  And I definitely cant forget about my momma who came over and slaved over the cutting mat for well over 5 hours today!!!!  And the best part about, I sent her and my dad home with "homework!!!"  Ha Ha!  Looking forward to Friday night when her and my gracious big sister are going to come over (kid free) and do some more 'helping' me (my sister just doesn't know it yet....oops) 

I am starting to feel like I MAY be able to go to bed on November 19th (the night before the show.)  Nah, probably not!  I am sure something will keep me awake at the last minute.  Sometimes I am pretty good at procrastinating although as I have said before.....I DO NOT like working under a few hours deadline.  I always feel like I make more mistakes then and have to redo things which I dont like to do.

I will try to post pictures later once everything is finished.  Things I definitely still need to get.....

another "head" for the stands

a black tablecloth (if you know where a nice one can be found let me know!)

ummmmmm oh and A LOT of other things that I cant think of right now!  :/ 

I really need to consolidate my "NEEDS" list because I have several running around and I'm really not sure what I need!!!!  I know sounds cRaZy right???

Oh well, it will all get done and I am super excited about it!  Hope everyone loves it as much as I do. 

After all this I am going to make my etsy store look ROCKIN cool so stick around.  One thing at a time! ;)

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