Monday, January 31, 2011

My Etsy Favorites

Well if you know me or follow me on facebook or even read this blog you have had to of heard of Etsy

The definition according to Wikipedia (my husband has me hooked) is....

an e-commerce website focused on handmade or vintage items as well as art and craft supplies.

If you have never heard of it or gone over there and browsed around you are seriously missing out on some really unique and cool things.

So I thought I would highlight some of my faves over there on etsy so you could enjoy them also.  There is something for everyone and you can literally find anything from clothing to housewares to off the wall items!!!  It is such a fun place. 

Hope you have some time because I am sure you will get hooked like me!!!

So here goes.....

One of my new favorites are these unique jewelry pieces from Lillypop.  Go here for the store.  I'm not sure which one is my absolute favorite (because they are all so cool).  It's a tie between the Island princess bracelet trio (of course anything tropical I LOVE), the Dancing Queen Trio , or the Genevieve Ribbon Necklace package.    Let me know in the comments section which one is your favorite!!!

Another jewelry fave of mine is the  Birka Scandinavian shop. You can find their shop by clicking here.  This is where my sweet hubby got my stackable mother's rings for Christmas (OK I had to help him out just a tiny little bit because he wasn't really familiar with etsy).  My cute little crazy boys are born in April and May so I have this one and this one.  I also got a beaded spacer ring to go in between the two.  The cool thing about this shop is it is so inexpensive and they have other rings/jewelry besides mother's rings!  These are great gifts for Mother's Day (which isn't too far away)!

If you want to spunk up (it is the only phrase I could find that fit these) then Cyanide Stitches is for you.  They have some very unique items ranging from decorative bath towels to wallets.  I love these.  Such a fun way to add a little bit of chic humor to your bathroom.  They even have some for the kids like this dino towel or a friendly reminder to wash your hands and put the seat down (ugh....the dreaded seat problem).  These are just plain funny and I have all intentions of ordering the glasses towels for the bathroom in our bedroom (goodbye monogrammed towels)!!!

For all my fellow couponers....I give to you The Organized Shopper.  If you are like me you have seriously been through a million different ways to organize your coupons.  Well whatever way you organize, this will work for you when you are at the store.  It is the Original Hands Free List Maker Coupon Organizer.  I think it looks very nice (given you aren't taking your kiddos with you into the store).  There are only a few for sale but it looks like in the sold orders that they have made a lot of different ones with different fabrics so you could probably Convo (etsy's way of emailing) the seller for a custom order.

So what do you think???  Are you addicted to Etsy like I am now???  Look around it won't take you long!

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