Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Resolution

Seriously MUST stop blogging about where I've been and get to posting regularly for you readers.  That is my New Year's Resolution!!!! (you can keep me to it)

I have been crafting in my time off and doing several Holiday shows which went well. 

This is what you can expect in the upcoming months.....

Several posts weekly on what I am working on and other things that will be OH so interesting ;o)

Tutorials and other fun patterns for all your crafting needs.

Regular Facebook posts (are you a fan??? if not go here and 'like' us)

AND lots of other fun things and giveaways!!!!

2011 is going to bring many new and exciting things to this blog so STAY TUNED!!!!!  It is going to be quite the ride!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

New banner

Wahoo I finally did it.  I had a banner and all kinds of fun things designed from a very talented Erin Bradley on Etsy.  She has amazing stuff, I love it all!!! 

It was hard for me to decide but this is what I went for.  It is also in my Etsy shop so you can check it out there too. 

I would highly recommend her, I ordered it today about 1pm and got it at 3pm.

That's what I am talking about. 

Well gotta work on a few orders and of course those fast approaching shows so gotta go.....just wanted to share my really cool banner!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Wow!  What a weekend!  I have been cutting fabric, tying tutus, making key fobs and working hard on several other things for the upcoming shows. 

A big shout out to my sweet little hubby who designed and constructed my key fob rack and some heads to put my hair pieces on!  Oh and I almost forgot.....really took care of the kiddos a lot this weekend so I could knock out a lot of design pieces for the shows.  And I definitely cant forget about my momma who came over and slaved over the cutting mat for well over 5 hours today!!!!  And the best part about, I sent her and my dad home with "homework!!!"  Ha Ha!  Looking forward to Friday night when her and my gracious big sister are going to come over (kid free) and do some more 'helping' me (my sister just doesn't know it yet....oops) 

I am starting to feel like I MAY be able to go to bed on November 19th (the night before the show.)  Nah, probably not!  I am sure something will keep me awake at the last minute.  Sometimes I am pretty good at procrastinating although as I have said before.....I DO NOT like working under a few hours deadline.  I always feel like I make more mistakes then and have to redo things which I dont like to do.

I will try to post pictures later once everything is finished.  Things I definitely still need to get.....

another "head" for the stands

a black tablecloth (if you know where a nice one can be found let me know!)

ummmmmm oh and A LOT of other things that I cant think of right now!  :/ 

I really need to consolidate my "NEEDS" list because I have several running around and I'm really not sure what I need!!!!  I know sounds cRaZy right???

Oh well, it will all get done and I am super excited about it!  Hope everyone loves it as much as I do. 

After all this I am going to make my etsy store look ROCKIN cool so stick around.  One thing at a time! ;)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Where I've been

I am so sorry it has been awhile for me to post.  I have been....well trying to manage everything I need to do and want to do.  Sometimes I think it is hard to find a good balance.

But I have also been doing a lot of really cool things.  For instance, every October my mom takes my sister and I to a weekend long shopping trip.  So Fun!  It is designed to be "Kid Free, Stress Free but each year I seem to tag along one of my kiddos one way or the other.  This is Max's 2nd year going (last year as a little growing peanut) and this year he cant really get too far away from his momma if you know what I mean! ;)

I have also been spending some 'family time' doing fun fall things.  I love fall festivals and the parades.  So we have had fun doing that.

And of course a fall fave in my family.....picking apples and going to the pumpkin patch.  Brody did an awesome job picking the "perfect" apples.  Really he was absolutely fine taking the ones that had already fallen on the ground.

I have also been working on a few of my first "etsy" orders!  I was so excited to get those first couple of orders and am praying that I will continue to create things that people want to put on their cute little ones or even themselves because I am having way too much fun to stop!  :o)

I have also been working on getting my stock built up for a couple of craft shows and holiday shop nights I am going to be doing. 

So my last few weeks in a nut shell....but mostly just been loving on these 2 Q-T's!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Some Halloween fun!

Ok so I just finished this super fun BOO shirt for my friend Keri's daughter Katie!  I love it and I hope she does too.  I thought the fabric was fun but wasn't sure how to make it "girly!"  Well here ya go!!

I bet she will look adorable in it!  Although she may need to push up those sleeves for Halloween in Florida!!!  :)

Monday, September 27, 2010

I will get this....

Ok I promise I will figure out the Fabrics page.  Blogging....sewing....crafting I can handle.  Apparently I am not as "computer savy" as I thought.  But hey I will get it figured out maybe with the help of the hubby!

So excited for a few things today....

Hubby is getting off early.
Picking up our new car.
Actually getting some laundry done.
AND finishing some fun fall projects today!

Lately I have been trying a lot of new things in the sewing/designing world and it has been a blast!  I am seriously just 'winging' it and turning up with some really fun designs.  I am working on getting prepared for a few craft shows/fall festivals that I have entered and it has been interesting.  This will be my first one so I am not exactly sure what to expect but I am really excited. 

A couple things I know for sure will be there....

Tutus (various sizes and colors)
Key fobs
Initial onesies
some festive fall and Christmas shirts and onesies
Hair clips (not the usual flowers/bows....although there will be a few of those.)

I was also thinking about having an order sheet for custom items, um, and some minor things to bring attention to my table like a fall/pumpkin smelling flameless candle. 

I just really need to figure out how I am going to display all the items.  I would love to hear ideas of what you think needs to be there or any other fall festive attention getters.  You can just leave them in the comments section. 

It is November 20th so I have a little less than 2 months but I really want to have fun with it and not get all stressed out at the end.  Lets face it.....when it comes to some things I am a great procrastinator BUT I hate saving things until midnight the night before (although this happens way too often).

As soon as there is more info about the craft venues I will keep you updated because I would love for you to just stop by to say HI!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Working on fabrics tab

If you are coming to this blog to look at fabric choices just click on the fabric tab.  I am still working on getting this organized so please be patient as I am not that blogger savy yet!!! :)

Up and Going...

I have been working hard on getting everything up and running for Qtee Pa2tee's Boutique as well as filling orders while I go.  Oh and being a wife and a momma to the 2 crazy little men in my life.  I have created this blog to keep you informed on the new and exciting things that are going on with Qtee Pa2tee!   

To start off with.....I started this blog.  Yippee!  

Tomorrow I plan on turning in my contract to have a booth at the 18th Annual Oak Park High School Craft Fair.  I figure that will be a good start in getting my name out there.  I also have a few things in my friend Shannon's salon.  (Thank you Shannon)  I was very excited to take some of the onesies, tutu and hairbows to her place. 

 Also I got a etsy store going and just tonight put a little more on there.  You can visit that in your spare time.  Here is a preview on some of the things that are in there ...

I am really having a lot of fun with all the new creations.  Of course I can't stay out of the craft stores and online.  Just Saturday my loving husband ;) took me out to OPKS to some very fun fabric stores where I had way too much fun. 

Saturday I also got my hardware in for some very fun new key fobs that I am creating.  These are so cute and make carrying your keys a little easier (ok,ok I know that is not a hugely difficult task, but they loop around your wrist & hey they are cute!) 

I will hopefully know something quickly about the venues for my fall shows.  I may also try to have an open house, we shall see.  You will have to stay tuned to find out. 

For now I am going to try to peel myself away from this new world of blogging, etsy, facebook and much much more to go get some zzzzzzzzz's before those two crazy boys wake up.